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The Best Quality Hair Extensions

july 2, 2024    STYLE

Are you tired of waiting months, or even years, for your hair to grow out to your desired length? With the rise of...

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Revamp Your Family Room

april 19, 2024    HOME

Are you looking to revamp your small family room with chic and earthy neutral decor ideas? Look no further! In this...

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Gluten & Dairy Free Muffins

july 2, 2024    FOODIE

I recently went gluten free and dairy free due to allergies and I have to tell you, it was hard at first to bake at home...

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Homemade Dog Food Recipe

july 4, 2024    fOODIE

A nutritious homemade dog food recipe! That’s right, stepping away from store-bought options...

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Infertility can rob so much out of a marriage & relationship. I’m going to dive into ways we can reconnect with our spouses thru infertility.

How Infertility Can Rob Intimacy and How To Get It Back!

Fertility, Personal, Wellness

March 15, 2022

Infertility and Intimacy

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When you start your fertility journey it can be extremely overwhelming, where do I begin? Fertility House Calls is your answer!

Fertility House Calls

Fertility, Wellness

June 13, 2021

Fertility House Calls

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Early Ovulation before egg retrieval can happen. And it did for me! Though unlikely to happen, it shocked us!

IVF and Infertility: It happened, I ovulated before Egg Retrieval

Fertility, Personal

May 18, 2021

Ovulation before egg retrieval

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After 3 failed IUI cycles, Lucas and I have decided to move forward with IVF. This journey has been a roller coaster ride and to be honest I’m not going to lie, I’m scared.

My Infertility Journey And Starting IVF!


May 25, 2020

Infertility Journey

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