May 25, 2020

My Personal First IVF Journey: Starting the Path to Parenthood


My Personal IVF Journey: Starting the Path to Parenthood

My Personal IVF Journey:

After 3 failed IUI cycles, Lucas and I have decided to move forward with IVF. This journey has been a roller coaster ride and to be honest I’m not going to lie, I’m scared. Scared that it won’t work because of my low AMH, endometriosis, etc – but at the same time thankful that this procedure is something we can even do. We had our final IVF consult with our doctor a few weeks ago and we now start medications to prep my ovaries into a follicle making machine!

It’s a Roller Coaster

Thank you for following us on our journey to have a family of our own. I’m all ears to learn more about all of this and y’all have been so helpful and kind! You don’t even know how much! God willing this will be our luck, praying to take one day at a time because if I think of all the risks, statistics, finances, side effects and more.. I’ll go crazy.

When you’re going through the infertility journey, your emotions are a complete roller-coaster. I know that my purpose in life isn’t only to be a mother, I know there’s many other accomplishments that I’ve been placed on earth to do but I can’t help but want something I’m personally passionate about, having a child of our own.

Negative pregnancy tests, it’s all I see these days. The power that a little stick has, or am I giving it the power? Praying to see a squint of a second line, when really I should be praying for peace.

I’ve been there, many times.

But I’m reminding myself that God is in control of everything, more than an HCG stick, my age, my low follicle count, fertility issues or even the covid-19 virus.

My Infertility Issues

If you’re going through this journey with me, you understand all of the diagnoses and numbers. This is what I have as far as “on paper”. I have a low ovarian reserve, which is also called diminished reserve, AMH of 0.125, which is basically eggs of a 48/50 year old when I’m currently 36. I have endometriosis, which a Laparoscopy has already been done under surgery to remove as much as possible by my doctor, I ended up having stage 3, 4 being the most damaging one to have.

I know that these results can leave you paralyzed, but they’re just numbers. I believe that my body is capable of creating a baby, even with not ideal circumstances. Why such a low AMH? It could many factors, could be caused my endometriosis, could be my inflammatory auto immune disease Multiple Sclerosis, diet, age, anything…no true known cause.

My Fist Stims!

Update! I just received the phone call from my appointment this morning for baseline ultrasound and bloodwork. Everything is clear and good to go. Today is our official start of day 1 of STIMS! Let the IVF journey begin.

Here’s we go!

Prayer requests that these meds grow healthy eggs! Thank you so much for following our journey and the support, it means so much to Lucas and I. I’m also here for any support that I can give to you warriors out there.

So far, Menopur stings going in and Gonal starts tonight. As I continue to get monitored. Follow my journey over on instagram!

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