October 20, 2018

DIY Spray Painted Door Knobs


DIY Spray Painted Door Knobs

Bye Bye Ugly Door Knobs!

After moving into our fixer upper, as I walked through our last inspection I noticed the terribly old bright gold door knobs through out the home. But I had zero time to be scared, I knew there was an an easy hack to upgrade a not so pretty door knob without spending big bucks or buying brand new ones for your whole house!

DIY Door Knobs

These are the old ones, yup, these have to go! Our house was built in 1958, so we’ve been coming across all sorts of outdated hardware, which is fine but we’ve got our hands full.

Step 1:

The first step is to remove all door knobs completely from all of your doors! I used my handy dandy drill to remove these myself. It took me about 30 minutes but it depends on how many doors you have in your home!

Easy DIY Painted Door Knobs

Step 2:

Place your removed knobs and wash them down with water and light soap, a quick rinse is fine! Let them dry entirely, then you want to place your knobs on a foam or against cardboard to prep them to spray!

Step 3:

Painting time! I purchased black Krylon spray paint in flat, I personally don’t like gloss with any shine so I chose flat to give it a more modern touch.

Step 4:

Spray paint each side lightly but make sure to cover. Before painting the other side make sure each knob is completely dry before turning over and spraying the next side. You can do this all in one day, the paint usually dried within 15 min each coat.

DIY Spray Painted Door Knobs

Step 5:

You’re all ready to re-attach the door knobs! Enjoy your brand new fancy knobs with a whole new look, easy as that!

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