April 1, 2022

Easy Watermelon Feta Salad: A Perfect Summer Delight


Easy to make Watermelon Feta Salad

Refreshing Watermelon Feta Salad

If you’re looking for a refreshing and vibrant dish to enjoy this summer, a Watermelon Feta Salad is the perfect choice. This delightful combination of juicy watermelon and tangy feta cheese creates a unique flavor profile that’s both sweet and savory. It’s a simple yet elegant dish that works beautifully as a light lunch, a side for a barbecue, or a fresh starter for any meal.

The beauty of this salad lies in its ease of preparation. Just cube some ripe watermelon, crumble feta cheese over the top, and add a sprinkle of fresh mint or basil. For an extra touch, drizzle with a bit of balsamic glaze or olive oil. The result is a refreshing and flavorful salad that’s as pleasing to the eyes as it is to the palate.

Perfect for hot summer days, this Watermelon Feta Salad is not only delicious but also a great way to stay cool and hydrated. Enjoy the burst of flavors and the simplicity of this easy-to-make dish.

Watermelon Kitchen Finds

Let’s Make it!

1/2 watermelon, 4 cups cubed
4 ounces of feta, crumbled
1/2 cup fresh mint
balsamic glaze ( to drizzle on top )
salt and pepper to taste
squeeze lime to taste

Directions: Cut the watermelon into cubed pieces, make sure it’s already chilled from being in the refrigerator, I like to serve this fresh! In a large mixing bowl, add the feta, mint, lime and salt & pepper to taste. Gently mix all together! Place on a serving plate and add the glaze on top to your hearts desire, and enjoy!

Easy to make Watermelon Feta Salad
Easy to make Watermelon Feta Salad
Easy to make Watermelon Feta Salad
Easy to make Watermelon Feta Salad
Easy to make Watermelon Feta Salad
Easy to make Watermelon Feta Salad

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