November 12, 2018

Christmas Decor For Shelves, How to Style For The Holidays


How to Style Shelves For The Holidays

Christmas Decor For Shelves

Whether your shelves are short, long or layered, figuring out how to add all of the Holiday decor items at once can be a bit overwhelming and daunting to some. I know I’ve been caught buying more Christmas trinkets to add to my shelf but left then thinking “how am I going to add it all”?! Rest assured, I’ve been decorating these pretty little shelves for sometime now and I’ve got it down packed! Follow me on instagram!

Christmas Decor For Shelves

Create a visual story

I usually start with my original pieces, step back and take a look at potential ones I could take out to make room for my new holiday pieces. It’s good to stay within a color theme, pops of color are ok as long as it’s not too distracting but subtle change to give some style and dimension.

Don’t Be Afraid of Adding More!

When it comes to adding Christnas decor for your shelves, it’s the perfect time for all the cheer and making the home cozy and joyful. Don’t be afraid to add a bit more to your shelf than usual, looking full and consistent will really make this area a statement piece for your home. This is your playground, so make sure to take a few steps back after adding each piece to look at the overall “picture”. Adding different textures and colors within bundles will flow together nicely!

Mix and Match

Mix old and new, metal and wood with glass. Round and square items, keep it interesting. I mix modern with old, sometimes vintage finds mixed with new items! You can add frames, candle sticks, try to create a story for your shelf.

Christmas Decor For Shelves
Christmas Decor For Shelves
Christmas Decor For Shelves


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