January 25, 2021

Make Your Own Charcuterie Table Like a Pro!


Make Your Own Charcuterie Table Like a Pro!

Make Your Own Charcuterie Table Like a Pro

Cheese lovers, I made this today and I’m so proud of it! What would you grab first? This morning I had the pleasure of styling a cheese table for a baby shower and I loved how it turned out! Want to learn some tips on how you can create this too? Glad you asked, here are some tips to get you started!

Before, I get into any tips..I found all of my cheeses, fruits, dips and even flowers at Trader Joe’s!

Make Your Own Charcuterie Table Like a Pro!

5 Tips To Making Your Cheese Table

  1. Mix It Up with Meats & Cheeses: Go for variety. Get a bunch of different meats like salami, prosciutto, and chorizo. Same for cheese – grab some hard ones like cheddar, soft ones like brie, and something funky like blue cheese. More options, more fun.
  2. Add Some Crunch: Don’t forget the crackers and breadsticks. Also, throw in some nuts, like almonds or cashews. They add a nice crunch and mix well with the meats and cheeses.
  3. Sweet & Savory Combos: Balance it out with fruits like grapes, figs, and apple slices. Maybe a bit of honey or jam too. This makes the whole table pop with color and flavor.
  4. Olives & Pickles FTW: These little guys are flavor bombs. Get a variety of olives and some pickles. They cut through the richness of the meats and cheeses and add a nice tang.
  5. Presentation Matters: Arrange it all on a big wooden board or a cool platter. Pile stuff up, don’t be shy. Make it look overflowing and abundant. Throw in some fresh herbs like rosemary for that extra flair.

Done! Your charcuterie table’s gonna look and taste amazing. Friends are gonna be impressed, guaranteed.

Make Your Own Charcuterie Table Like a Pro!
Make Your Own Charcuterie Table Like a Pro!
Make Your Own Charcuterie Table Like a Pro!

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