April 7, 2021

4 Easy Ways To Brighten Up Any Room


4 Ways To Brighten Up a Room

Sometimes you will find yourself in a room or home that doesn’t get enough natural light and tends to be the darkest. This can make your room look smaller too! You’ve tried everything but nothing seems to be working, here are some tips to making your room as bright as possible!

Light Colored Rugs

Use large, light-colored rugs. Just as they add texture to a space, light and neutral colored rugs also help brighten up any room.

Add Mirrors!

Mirrors not only bring the feeling of more space to a room, they also help to reflect natural light and this makes the lighting in your room more amplified! Adding mirrors to open walls & corner nooks enhance the space as well!

Neutral Colored Curtains

Using a light-colored curtain can let in as much natural light as possible. Shy away from dark, thick curtains, thee will only make your room darker and even more closed in! Be sure to add decor, bedding and furniture in neutral colors that help to reflect more clarity.

Add Solar Tubes

Add solar tubes! These can add so much light to an otherwise dark room like your living space or kitchen. Finding a reputable company that can install them for a good price isn’t too hard to find and they can get installed in one day! These are particularity good for older homes like ours with low ceilings and dark rooms.

What other tip would you add to illuminate a room without the need for artificial light?

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