July 30, 2020

An Infertility Prayer, Infertility Warriors, Fertility Support, Affirmations For Infertility


An Infertility Prayer

I love to write and I love to pray, and well…I love Jesus! So, since y’all responded to my request to write a prayer for all of my fellow #infertilitywarriors I had to do it. I hope that this prayer can bring you peace during your trying to conceive journey, before surgery, meeting a fertility doctor, bad news or just because. My hope is that it brings you peace when you’re in pain, fear, sadness or doubt.

Bookmark this prayer! I understand it can be hard to pray when you’re anxious. Words fumble and sometimes you feel like you can’t event think straight. No matter the deliverance, God is with you in your season and wants to hear from you, no matter the delivery!

Please share with any of your infertility friends. Love you all.

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Recommended Reads

Affirmations For Infertility

The Fertility Prayer

Dear Lord, I am scared and heartbroken. Please take away the fears and negative thoughts that I may have and replace them with hope. I believe that only you can create a miracle, and I believe in miracles. My breakthrough is around the corner.

Heal the empty space in my heart and fill it with comfort. Show me clarity to know that your plan is the best plan even if it may look different than what I thought it would be.

Lord, I am wonderfully and fearfully made.

I trust that my body is fertile and I thank you Jesus, for all the blessings in my life.

Heavenly Father, guide us for all of our choices moving forward with fertility treatments, trying naturally or anything we may face. I depend upon you, I love you and your will be done. I release trying to control my outcome and trust you fully Lord.

In your name we pray.


Affirmations For Infertility

Affirmations For Infertility

Here are 10 infertility affirmations to inspire hope and strength:

  1. “I trust my body and its journey toward motherhood.”
  2. “I am strong, resilient, and capable of facing any challenge.”
  3. “I am worthy of love and support, no matter where I am in my journey.”
  4. “I allow myself to feel my emotions, knowing they do not define me.”
  5. “I am surrounded by love, hope, and positivity.”
  6. “My path to motherhood may be different, but it is still beautiful.”
  7. “I am not alone; I am supported by those who understand and care.”
  8. “I embrace the possibility of joy and new beginnings.”
  9. “I release any guilt or blame I hold toward myself.”
  10. “I believe in the power of hope, and I trust the timing of my life.”

These affirmations can be a comforting part of your daily routine, helping to maintain a positive mindset during challenging times. Read more of my Fertility posts or follow me on @andimans

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