July 18, 2018

6 Things Every Gal Should Do Before Settling Down


6 Things Every Gal Should Do Before Settling Down


Where are my single ladies at?! Now put your hands up…because Beyonce said so, but also because this post is for you. Our society spends a lot of time talking about the negative aspects of not having found the perfect someone yet, but it’s time we turn up the volume on the good parts as well! Instead of viewing this phase of life as merely a waiting period, it’s important to see all the amazing benefits. Who says being single is limiting or that you can’t travel the world? Here’s a bucket list with things every gal should check off before settling down!

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Whether it’s an hour away or a trip around the globe, go for it! Traveling gets tricky once you have a house, car payments, kids, and so on. Embrace the freedom you have now and go explore! Go solo or with your girls, it’s bound to be an amazing adventure either way.

Birdies Slippers


Have you always wanted to go skydiving? Go on a game show? Run a marathon? Whatever it is, there’s no time like the present to check off a crazy dream from your bucket list. Pick something that excites you and challenges you, and chase after it—you’ll never regret following your heart and accomplishing something you’ve always dreamed off.

Birdies Slippers


Before you settle down and get stuck in the routine of soccer practice and PTA meetings, take the time to find what causes you are passionate about. Whether it’s helping out a food bank, raising awareness about slavery, or saving sea turtles, the freedom you have before settling down allows you even more time to help others and impact lives.

Birdies Slippers


There’s something about turning the key into your own place and knowing that you can relax and take a break from the hustle of life. Living alone doesn’t have to be lonely. It means your home is a place for you to relax and retreat from life. Coming home to a quiet, peaceful atmosphere is the perfect way to recharge and prepare for everything you’re going to accomplish tomorrow! Also you’re in charge of the thermostat and TV all the time, and that’s a major bonus.

Birdies Slippers


And no, I don’t just mean with different flavors of ramen. Have a family recipe you’ve been itching to learn? Now is the time! Recreate your favorite restaurant dish, experiment with different types of cuisine or find a fresh way to jazz up an old standby recipe. The more mouths you have to feed, the more difficult it becomes. So enjoy the freedom to go all out and chef up new meals while you can!

Birdies Slippers


Between phones, tablets, cameras, computers, tv’s— there is no shortage of screens in the world. But there might be a shortage of unplugged time in your life. Take a weekend or two and spend them unplugged. Turn off the wifi. Disconnect from the world. Spend time reading, go on a walk and enjoy life, in real life, and not just through a screen!

Before you settle down, settle for checking a couple things off your bucket list first. This time of life is full of freedom and joy—embrace it and live life to the fullest! What would you add? What’s on your list?


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